I'll Go to Bed at Noon av Gerard Woodward
London 1970, en familj: Colette Jones, hennes bror, hennes man, hennes två söner och alkohol. Osentimentalt, utan förmildrande humor eller förvärrande våld, utan överdrifter så handlar I'll Go to Bed at Noon om familjemedlemmarnas olika sätt att supa och vad supandet gör med dom.
Gerard Woodward
I'll Go to Bed at Noon. 2004. Chatto & Windus: ISBN 0 7011 7119 8

Andra spritböcker
Gerda Antti har just kommit ut med ännu en bok om alkoelände, Ungjävlar.
PARADISE av A.L. Kennedy

Thanks to whiskey and other anesthetics, Hannah has "mastered the art of escaping from linear time." Each label on a bottle of Bushmills serves as a "long, slim door that leads to somewhere else," enabling her to "get the highlights, the hot spots, and skip the rest."
Från recension av Maud Newton i Newsday (borttagen från sajten)
Utdrag ur Paradise. Om Paradise på Böckerna.
Bästa bakisskildringarna?
I hadn't expected to find anybody around so early, but I reckoned without granny. She was in the kitchen, all clean and crisp and inexorably alert. Cheery and nosy and glad to see me, because she loves having someone to eat breakfast with, but she cannot wait until lunch time for the privilege, and it's a long wait between six and tweleve with no breakfast.
I thought of things to say to that, suggestions like stay in bed until eleven-thirty and cut the wait down to a half hour, but I didn't say any of them, partly because I didn't feel like making my mouth open, and partly because whe was pleased with me as an early riser and it felt nice to have it that way. I even walked around the bar and came up to her and held my breath and kissed her very quickly without breathing on her, because granny likes to be kissed goodnight and good morning, and I didn't remember about goodnight, whether I had or hadn't. Probably hadn't, and I probably shouldn't have tried it this morning, either, because it involved some leaning over and a little bending down.

Från Cassandra at the Wedding av Dorothy Baker
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