Embroideries av Marjane Satrapi
Serieboken Embroideries är sex iranska kvinnor som dricker te en eftermiddag hemma hos Marjane Satrapis mormor och pratar om sex, män och kärlek. Det handlar om att bli bortgift med en 69-åring när man är 13 - God, have him croak. God, have him get cancer. God, have him hit by a car. God, have him have a heart attack. God, have him be killed by a robber - , om det smarta med att vara älskarinnan - his teeth sparkle, his breath is like perfume - inte frun - his bad breath, his hemorrhoid attacks, his flues - , om att ha fött fyra barn men aldrig ha sett en penis, om att piffa upp ett äktenskap genom att flytta fläsk från rumpan till tuttarna och annat.
Utdrag ur Embroideries.

Marjane Satrapi

Embroideries. Phanteon Books, NY, 2005: ISBN 0-375-42305-2
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood.
Persepolis 2.
A Double Life in Black and White av Patricia Storace. Artikel om Marjane Satrapis serieböcker
Intervju med Marjane Satrapi i Salon:
The fact is, the world is very fearful, because we don't know who the enemy is. The world is at war, but at war against who? Bin Laden turns into Saddam and Saddam turns into someone else. They all the time talk about security. Security, security, security. But when you talk about security, then everything is about being safe. And being safe also means having less freedom.
It makes a society much more conservative, looking for security. If you have freedom, then you have more risks. It goes together. Myself, I prefer to take some risks, and once in a while it's going to hurt. My grandmother always said the saddest life is to be born a cow and to die a donkey.
What does that mean?
That means you are born stupid, and you're going to die even more stupid.
But at no point does Marjane Satrapi feel compelled to spell out why she chose to turn this graphic gossipfest into a graphic novella - or how she wants us to respond to it. It speaks for itself and, to a large degree, to itself, and therein lies its subversive charm. But it is at the same time a daring and brilliantly calculated illumination of a secret space.
Tea and adversity - Maureen Freely lauds Marjane Satrapi's gossipy graphic novel of Iranian history, Embroideries. Recension i Guardian
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